An assassin appears, Kakuka and Kan-u help Sousou to capture her. Then, Kan-u asks her for audience and she makes her and Kakuka, Teiiku to her bath. Kada asks her for reason to search it, she tells him about it and eventually, his way to treat her problem makes her mad and kicks him out of her palace. Knowing Taihei Youjutsu's truth, Sousou agrees to Kada and stops her search for it.

In Sousou's city, Kada goes straight to Sousou's palace and Ryuubi's party with Kakuka, Teiiku go for a meal. Kan-u accepts to introduce them to Sousou. They introduce themselves as Kakuka and Teiiku, on the way to come into Sousou's service. They find a spectacles woman fallen with a pool of blood around her, only to find out that's only nosebleed through her friend. Kada suspects Sousou has it and goes with the party to reaches her place. Though it was originally created for good reasons (using energy to help people), the book gained its own will and created more hatred for its power. He tells the pary about the Taihei Youjutsu using people's hatred of oppression instead of its caster's magical energy. The man introduces himself as Kada of "The Way of Fire Grains" (五斗米道, Gotomedou). The man claims himself as a doctor and he saves Chouhi from her stomachache. Ryuubi's party comes to a man's resting place for Chouhi to rest. Kousonsan doesn't have to pay for the food Enshou lended her city and Ryuubi's party leaves for Enjutsu's city. Though, Ryuubi can't get her sword back because Enshou just lended it to her cousin Enjutsu before (through Choukun's saying that is a pun of The Emperor's New Clothes). The last match, Kousonsan and Enshou in Sumo Wrestling of Ladies wearing a swan loincloth (though Kousonsan wears her white-horse loincloth), ends with Kousonsan's win (her power goes up while she remembers how unnoticeable she was). And the games later with Bunshuu and Chouhi in Arm Wrestling, Ganryou in Tongue Twister, Bunshuu and Kan-u in Imitations, Ryuubi in "What's in the box?", Bunshuu and Chouun in Staring Contest, Ganryou and Chouhi in Bean Carrying, Clam-matching, Cosplaying and the games come to a tie 150-150. Ganryou loses Ryuubi 11-13 to Eel Catching (by breasts) Game. Koumei loses 0-100 to Ganryou in Question Game (about Enshou's secrets). They're involved to Enshou's stupid games as usual. Because Enshou's lending food for her city, Kousonsan must give it to her as a proof that she will repay Enshou. She tells them that the sword isn't here now. Kousonsan welcomes them and is surprised that Ryuubi comes with them. In any case, we're off to war!Īlso in this episode: the offscreen adventures of Butterfly Mask Ukitsu (Yu Ji) is still an evil dick and rape confessions with Gien.Ryuubi and her party come Kousonsan's city. And someone went and invited Team Shu-Han to the rebellion, but the cast members who remember Toutaku from season one have a hard time believing she's behind all this. Sousou sees this as an opportunity to have her own troops in the capitol.

Meanwhile, Kyocho (Xu Chu, who was in season one) is being trained as head bodyguard when Sousou gets news of the uprising. In the south, Sonsaku sees this as an opportunity to expand north despite Sonken's objections. Enshou is understandably insulted at this, and sends letters across the Empire to rally regional lords in an uprising against "Toutaku". More elsewhere, the genderless thing Choujou (Zhang Rang) has done something surprisingly sensible and ordered Enshou to report to the capital so she can be executed for incompetence. Kashin is then promptly raped by the entire Nanban delegation. Koumei brews up the medicine, which manages to cure everything but the ears. Kashin has continued her metamorphosis, so she now has paws, a tail, and is about a foot and a half tall. Elsewhere, Ryuubi and her posse return home and reunite with the rest of the gang. Meanwhile, Chinkyu (Chen Gong) is chastising Chouryou (Zhang Liao) for drinking on the job, but Chouryou is dissatisfied that she's being used as an Imperial thug rather than fighting the enemies of the Empire on a battlefield. Kaku contemplates the situation, with the eunuchs effectively taking Toutaku hostage and making her the scapegoat for their terrible policies. We open with Kaku reporting to some genderless thing (seriously, how do you gender-swap a eunuch?). None of you ever picked up a book in your life, have you?